Art Therapy

Journal and paint show how art therapy for anxiety can look.

“How does that make you feel?”

“What are you thinking now?”

“What are you noticing in your body?”

These are questions often asked in a therapy session, but they aren’t always easy to answer. Feelings can be hard to put into words. Thoughts can go around in well-worn circles that don't lead to new insights.

Deep down, there may be more that you want to explore, express and understand but saying the same things over and over isn’t getting you there.

If you have ever felt frustrated that talk therapy was, well, too much talking, Art Therapy offers a profound opportunity to expand therapy. Whether you're seeking art therapy for anxiety or other challenges, this creative approach can help.

What is Art Therapy?

Art Therapy incorporates art making into the therapeutic process. It facilitates the expression of images, thoughts, and feelings.

By activating your imagination and tapping into the subconscious, it opens up different avenues for discovery, awareness and understanding.

The brain thinks in images. When you listen, read, think and remember, you see pictures. Long before we could speak, your brain was recording your experiences in images. Images can speak to us. Images can speak for us. Colors, shapes and symbols can represent meaning.

Art therapy is not about making art. It is about tapping into your creative process to use the rich landscape that exists inside of you to expand the therapeutic process.

Art therapy can help you:

  • open new perspectives and promote insight

  • make meaning of experiences

  • increase decision making and problem solving

  • identify strengths and build self-esteem

  • promote emotional regulation and resilience

  • cultivate self-compassion

  • release stress and increase well-being

  • increase creativity

Mixed media materials show how virtual art therapy can look.

Art Therapy can treat anxiety, depression, Trauma, and more.

Art Therapy can be used as a stand-alone treatment or integrated with other treatment modalities, such as talk therapy, couples therapy or EMDR. Art Therapy is effective for treating:

  • Anxiety and stress;

  • Depression;

  • Trauma;

  • PTSD;

  • relationship issues;

  • and creative blocks;

  • and for building self awareness,
    self esteem and self compassion.

If you are already engaged in creative endeavors or a creative business, such as writing, acting, music, design, content creation or film-making, Art Therapy can help:

  • Increase your understanding of your process;

  • work through blocks and self-doubt;

  • and stimulate productivity.

What to Expect in An Art Therapy SESSION

It might start like any other therapy session, checking in, identifying the focus for the session or letting it unfold. Art Therapy can be used to enhance and expand that process or it can be the main process.

I have an array of different materials I can offer you, from drawing and painting materials to collage. You get to pick what feels right for you, right for that moment.

I will either provide guidance, in the form of a prompt or directive, or you can use the materials freely to explore whatever you wish. The emphasis is always on the process of the art making, not on what the art looks like. No previous art making experience or skill is necessary.

After engaging in the making process, we will explore what was created and what you experienced. Both can reveal insight and powerful material that may never have been accessed through talking alone.

Experience art Therapy in Connecticut, New York, and California

I offer art therapy in Connecticut, New York, and California through both in-person and virtual art therapy sessions.

In-person art therapy is available at my Ridgefield, Connecticut office in Fairfield County — easily accessible from Westport, New Canaan, Wilton, Redding, Danbury, Norwalk, Stamford, and Westchester County — and virtual art therapy is available throughout California, New York, and Connecticut.

Let’s talk

Schedule a free Art Therapy consultation